If you're a xbox gamer fan, then at some point in your gaming sessions you've probably been faced with the 3 red lights problem on your machine. Suddenly your xbox stops working and you can't play anymore. You're now looking at the common 3 red light 360 xbox problem.
Your xbox is most likely overheating when you see the red lights, caused by flaws in the design of the machine. The hardware configuration is such that there's insufficient cooling inside the console box. This means that the heat emitted by both the CPU and GPU when your xbox is running doesn't get cooled enough, and so the console gets too warm.
Although the motherboard comes with an inner cooling mechanism, the design flaws of the xbox have made this built-in cooler unable to cope with the amount of heat that's generated. When you play for several hours at a time, your xbox overheats. And you can't buy a cooler when you have the 3 red light 360 xbox problem, like a laptop cooler. Placing the console by an open window might help, though.
You might have seen an error internet only banks displayed on your screen as the red lights appear. This is the E74 error message and you'll find that your xbox has crashed when this occurs. You can't restart the streamyx business because it's seized up and frozen. Now you have to explore ways and means to fix the problem, or you won't be able to continue with your cable speed test 3.
Check to see if your xbox is still covered by the warranty. If it is, dispatch it to Microsoft promptly. They'll repair your machine free of charge. You'll get it back in about 3 months. If that too long, as it is for most, it's also possible to fix your xbox yourself.
If you want to fix the 3 Red Light 360 yourself, you might be playing in 30 minutes.
Learn how to Fix Your Xbox yourself!
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